After finishing a few peices of work I realised it’s been a month since you have heard from me so I decided to make this post to keep you informed!
The Game is Still being worked on and has NOT** **been cancelled
Night’s 1 & 2 are done with Night 3 being worked on as we speak
3 of the 5 enemies have their correponding AI created and balanced with the 4th enemies AI being worked on
I still need to script and record the phone calls, but I can’t see that taking any longer than an hour
I’ll be releasing a closed beta to a select few hopefully by the end of this or next week so check your inboxes. If all goes well you should expect a public demo here on gamejolt on or before 20th May
I would have liked to have finished and released a public demo by now, but I have had a number of relatives in and out hospital over April so that has no been possible.
Once again thank’s for your patience and showing an interest in my games. It means a lot to me