4 years ago

An update on what's happening!

Since I haven't done an extensive post in a while, I'm going to update you guys on what I have been doing and plan to do going forward.

If you're yes, I will still continue to make fangames for a while yet to hone my skills before starting something original. As for what these fangames are to come, I will address now.

Firstly: I have started development on another Dark Deception fangame, which is a side scroller version of Dark Deception. I posted a gameplay WIP teaser on Twitter if you want to check that out: https://twitter.com/TFrebby/status/1328518316290428929?s=20

Secondly: I very recently started a new project which despite the look of the teasers is FNaF related. It's still very early in development so it most likely won't come out for a while.


As for my old fangames which most likely aren't getting worked on anymore, I will hide those and keep my newest/completed fangames public.

Since the games are only being hidden you will still be able to access them with a link. If you for what ever reason want to check out these old games specifically, I will place the links below:

One Night at Fredbear's: https://gamejolt.com/games/onaf/485215

Spring Locked at Fredbear's R: https://gamejolt.com/games/SLaFR/444502

Spring Locked at Fredbear's: https://gamejolt.com/games/SpringLockedatFredbears/419557

FNaF The Bunker: https://gamejolt.com/games/fnafthebunker/475105

A Blacklight Over Freddy's: https://gamejolt.com/games/ablacklightoverfreddys/427571

The Grim Graveyard: https://gamejolt.com/games/ffgrimgraveyard/447258

As for other things I have been doing lately: I am usually quite active on my Discord server where I also stream different games regularly.

So if you want to chat/hang out come join the server! https://discord.gg/Qth8rsW

I also post updates on Twitter if you want to follow that as well.


Be sure to check out my YouTube channel for new streams and including the livestreams on Final Nights 4 which I recently finished up!


Final Nights livestreams


Now that I think I have sufficiently covered everything, I will this post here.

Thank you guys again for all the support on my work as it's a strong motivator to keep creating!

Of course if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask and to anyone celebrating it, have a Happy Thanksgiving!



Next up

The game is now out!

700+ Followers!

New Teasers!

Teasers for my new project!

(And of course another status update).

Welcome to Those Halloween Nights!

Please make sure to read the post for more information!

Link: https://gamejolt.com/games/frebby_halloween_game2020/543124

An update! (Not an actual release though).

Gameplay Teaser #1

Some new teasers for 400+ followers!

Some new teasers for 300+ followers!