The Sullivan Story: Disney Land
7 years ago

An Update Pt. 5

Hi everyone!
It’s me again, back at it with another late night non-monthly update post. Today’s a good day because now things are moving very smoothly! Let’s jump into it.
Nights 1-4:
The updates for Nights 1-4 are pretty much completed, with only bug fixes and slight tweaks needed to be added before the first 4 nights are fully complete!
Night 5:
Night 5 for this game back when it was originally released was almost a carbon copy of every other night 5 in a fnaf fangame ever since fnaf 4 came out. I’m honestly ashamed of that, so I’m putting my best effort into making Night 5 a much more enjoyable experience. The changes to Night 5 are almost complete, with only a couple more tweaks in gameplay to be made.
Release Dates:
I’ve said this for the last 2-3 posts, I hate release dates. I’ve mentioned why in my previous posts, so I won’t go into detail. However, I am 100% certain that this update will be done in 2018. With the holidays coming up and a new fnaf game coming out in December I won’t have much time to work. So I am giving that to you all.
Teaser Time?
Sadly, no teaser time this time around. I’ve teased all I can tease and I don’t want to have to make unnecessary teasers. Sorry everyone. I may find a way to tease small things though, so keep an eye out ;)

Until Next time,

  • Josh



Next up

(Finally) New blog post and website update!

Final release Date.

New Role Players Chapter + Blog Post!

You can't go back...

Five Nights at Treasure Island: Origin Story Announcement!


new Role Players chapter and blog post!

Research Notes (New Teaser)

Final Release Date Teaser in Case You Guys Didn't read Origin Story.

New blog post!