The Sullivan Story: Disney Land
7 years ago

An Update Pt. 6: Nearly There!

Hey guys!
Back at it again, for possibly the second to last time, with another ‘monthly’ update. This time around, I’ve got some good stuff to share with you guys, so let’s get started!
Night 5 Progress:
Night 5 is almost done! The only things I need t do are test out some glitches and see if it’s actually possible :p I’m much happier with how Night 5 is shaping up to be now, and it’s a lot better than in the original game!
Final Testing Phase:
The game is basically finished, and all that’s needed are testing from multiple people so I can fix any remaining bugs left in the code. After that, I can prepare a release for you all! Speaking of which…
Release Date:
This game has been in development for a while now, and with it reaching the end of the line, I couldn’t be happier with the updates I made to the game. Sadly, I do not think I can release it before 2018. The testing I want for the game is fully fleshed out, and would take some time to do, with myself and others play-testing it. However, I can guarantee that it will be out in January f 2018, so look forward to it!

That’s all I have for today, and I can’t wait to finally have this game be released.

Until then,


  • Josh



Next up

Don't Forget...

Five Nights at Treasure Island: Origin Story Announcement!

June 5th, 2017

Final Release Date Teaser in Case You Guys Didn't read Origin Story.


BOOM! Another blog post!

New blog post!

(Finally) New blog post and website update!

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You can't go back...