2 years ago

an update

hey guys,

it’s been a good minute so i figured i would just catch y’all up on my life and of course the life of the legendary lizard himself. i don’t expect too many people to see this post (my accounts been at a standstill) but i’m here to write one long article.

How’s Arnold?

i knew this would be the main concern but rest assured, arnold is a happy healthy lizard who is living his best life with me. he’s stayed the same basically since you last saw him and the only big differences are that i rearranged his cage and his cage is now next to a window.

How Am I?

i know this isn’t gonna be the part that gets attention because arnold is the star of the show after all! but other than that i’ve been good. i finally got my own room since my sister moved out and i’m now a freshman in high school. time really does fly.

lately i’ve been going through my metallica phase and i have just been all metallica this and metallica that. i recently went on a school trip where i got to mess around on the drums and have been in love since. that being said i have a savings account for a pearl roadshow drum set which is a whopping $660 which is actually quite cheap for a set.

other than that i’ve just been living my life and having a good time so i guess i’ll see you guys in the next post.





Next up

An edit I made

Walmart Exclusive Kill ‘Em All vinyl unboxing!

*I did end up finding the download card*


Please this would be amazing for Arnold onggg



Missed this little Floof Ball while we were away & it seems Gingerbread has missed me too! She's all snuggled up on my lap

hapee valintynz day!

It’s both cute and intimidating to wake up to a miniature tiger staring at you from your armpit-

Walmart Exclusive Master of Puppets vinyl unboxing!

Ozzy, Blaze, and Bubby