2 years ago

Analysing the Unwanted Guests poster!

Good Evening, Ladies and Gentlmen. Earlier this week, a poster for an upcoming fangame, known as “Unwanted Guests” was released.
Honestly? I consider myself the #1 Unwanted Guests Fanboy, you don’t want to know how much i’ve done to have that title lol.

I’ve decided to try and decode this poster, and try to find out information from it that might be part of the main game.

First off, the poster was made by the talented @JR-man_ , and the game is being developed by @Br3dB3ar and @TheMindOf83 , two very talented 3D Modellers!

Surprisingly, the poster doesn’t contain that much (lol), but it’s enough to have an idea of where we are playing at, and maybe even who we might be playing as!

In the teaser, we can see a much more bizarre Freddy Fazbear busting out a door, trying to get in some sort of room. Now, the first thing that directs our atention to is Freddy Fazbear himself, who seems oddly animalistic. Like, literally, he looks like an animal lol. I wonder if the rest of the animatronics will have this animalistic approach too, who knows! We’ll have to wait and see.

However, the thing that striked me the most was the door. The door reminds me a fuck ton of the FNaF 4 door, which further contributes to a theory alot of people have been having about this game, with it possibly being a FNaF 4 Remake? The logo could contribute to this, as there are windows to the hallways when opening the doors on the FNaF 4 gameplay. Since this might be a FNaF 4 Remake, then it’s possible we play as the Crying Child asw this theory can be immediatley contradicted by one point…Freddy doesn’t come through the door on FNaF 4. He usually comes from the bed, and he doesn’t show up until he jumpscares you, it’s normally the freddles. It immediatley contradicts the FNaF 4 theory, which immediatley means that this is definetley not a FNaF 4 Remake, and it’s probably it’s own story.

As to what the title “Unwanted Guests” means…who knows, really. I mean, the animatronic would most definetley not be wanted if they’re trying to kill us in our house lmao.

In total, with the current poster, we can’t deduce much about the game (besides the fact that the game probably takes place in a house). However, when the gamejolt page finally launches, there’ll probably be more content shown for us to theorise about, so let’s get ready for that.

TL;DR: Unwanted Guests probably takes place in a house, and may be the FNaF 4 Remake we’ve always wanted! However, we can’t predict the events of the game with just one poster, and we’ll have to wait for the page to release…

Thank You all for reading this analysis, Radio out!



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