8 years ago

...and a Lot of Bugs

Hi friends!

On this past Wednesday, I launched the Steam store page for Vidar, along with the trailer video. In connection with all of that, there was a huge press blitz that involved a few hundred emails. If you’re curious about the nitty gritty of all of the press outreach, you can read my post on Since Wednesday, we’ve had a few fun mentions across the interwebs.

And we’ve also got some people doing LetsPlays on Youtube and streaming the game on Twitch. The biggest so far was HyperRPG yesterday with their show “MalikaVision.” We had a steady 300 people in chat, and it was great to see someone play the game for so long! Vidar’s randomness becomes more apparent the more people die off - the first day or two is kind of always the same. Five hours into the game in HyperRPG yesterday, you could really feel it.

I’ve been trying to keep up with all of these people playing the game now, and so we actually had two patches go out this past week with some bug fixes and quality of life improvements. That will likely be the cadence for next week as well.

Stay tuned for more coverage!

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  • Random white boxes throughout the cave have been converted back into the dancing cobwebs they once were

  • Sandor’s and Erik’s SFX are more consistent

  • Fixed a bug in Puzzle 80 where a boulder was refusing to move

  • Fixed a bug in Puzzle 80 where it was possible for the light pillar to crash the game if you were super good at solving the puzzle

  • Darkened the last two rooms of the Ruins

  • Fixed various screen shake issues

  • Fixed various reset issues in the Ruins

  • Fixed various passage issues in town

  • Fixed a bug which would allow inadvertant low-ground access in the Water Cave

  • Various vines and ladders throughout the game now trigger climbing animations

  • Fixed a bug in puzzle 41 where a hole was not spawning under a lightbridge

  • Csaba’s charity ask is a little cleaner

  • Mihaly will no longer misidentify you in his intro dialogue

  • Added audio to the conclusion cutscene

  • Fixed a situation in Puzzle 9, Option 3 where you could get stuck in an infinite loop with no chance of escape. I thought about retroactively justifying this as a metaphor for life, but decided instead to just add an extra block.

  • Fixed a door in Ice Cave 3c that, even though it looked like it opened, it was lying to you.

  • Ghosts are less mobile in Ice Cave 1b


  • The tool window UI has changed. The hand has been removed, and instead, the button that you have assigned to “Use Tool” shows up. Change the button in the options menu.

  • Unplugging a controller will immediately reset the game back to keyboard mode; plugging a controller in will immediately switch to controller mode

  • Pushing any button on the keyboard will automatically switch you to keyboard mode; pushing any button on a controller will automatically switch you to controller mode

  • For that reason, the profile switcher has been removed from the options menu

  • If you leave a room and then come back to the same room immediately from the teleport menu, you will no longer lose the timer UI

  • Using the lantern when you don’t have enough fuel will no longer freeze you in place

  • Resetting in the Dark Cave will refuel your lantern



Next up

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Vidar's Library

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At GaymerX East!

Vidar w/ Intel Games

Hi friends! This is the last 3 days of the Wastenauts Kickstarter, and it is frankly a longshot. We desperately need your help, because if we do not fund, development will stop immediately!

Please help us make this game <3…


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