2 years ago

And Now:
Explaining Lore and the Original Ideas
(Part 1: Scarfloofs)

Parallel Floofs and the "Fragments"

The original concept of the Scarfloofs was that they were all parallel timeline versions of Danie. While this "parallel universe" point was abandoned, the fact they all are the same Species remains.

As seen in "Danie's Room" the Fragments were originally intended to have WAY more use related to the parallel timelines, but was toned down to be a soul-bound object that preserves your spirit.

"True Self" and "Potential"

a "True Self", in short, is the form one takes when they show their full "Potential" (Potential is the magic of one's self and soul). While this was originally constricted to just the Scarfloofs (including Corie), 'reports' have shown that a special few can harness, and use, this power, although rarely, and mostly unintended.

It was originally a way to show one's "real personality" and have no filter for who they were. This was mostly abandoned, but instead, just makes it where a "true self" is more reliable to show when one shows their true feelings.

Damien and Tiph

They are siblings. however, Tiph doesn't know that Damien, her older brother, is technically alive as an Angel of Peiku. Damien doubts she knows, but is hopeful she does. Damien has sworn to protect Peiku in hopes to watch over Tiph as well, (as seen in a dialogue in the "Scarftale: The Final Punchline") He wishes she can figure something out.

In the backstory for the two (which was barely rewritten when the "parallel floof" idea was scrapped) Damien sacrificed himself to let Tiph escape an anomaly (originally a rift) but he gave her his Fragment before sending her off. Tiph, who was alone decided to use the fragment to create the power source for Ave.

Speaking of which...

Ave and their Core

Long story short, Ave Γ is the confliction of Damien's Fragment and Ave's power core, hence why it gives Ave features of Damien. Tiph has yet to piece this together but eventually she'll figure out Ave is secretly a puppet to Damien in a way.

As for Ave on their own, The original story of Danie finding them in an alley and bringing them home is still canon, the explanation being Ave had a mishap and got lost, Danie found them, brought them in, and when awoken, Ave told Danie about Tiph, and thus they meet.

That's all i can think of for now, until next time!



Next up

Jesus f christ is this enough quests


Can't have a simple hangout spot can ya?

I had a vision

peikusona redesign (old design in 2nd image)

What the fuck man i just wanted the song name

Not a soul crisis

#GJasks id honestly like to see a jaz lore and peiku crossover anyways here is my peikusona while im talking about it-

half the stream was fishing minigame

wait it can recommend your own videos


A REMAKE OF THE FIRST CHAPTER OF THE "Adventures of Jerry the Slime" COMIC!

(Deemed "Jerry the Slem")

Oh hey phone's charged so here have this