The Cartoon Nights at Henry's (In Development)
3 years ago

And plus

i don't even have the assets to the first version of the game formerly known as ONADOCG 2

I don't remember what happened, i think i don't have it because the former laptop's (which was my mom's laptop) hard drive broke at some point.

Yee. it was reset too when we got the new hard drive.

And i have a feeling the assets for the ONADOCG 2 folder which was Formerly was this game was probably on the desktop or in the documents folder 💀



Next up


@BemmieTro thanks for the gift-

chase fan art

when me thinking about the game

my chase fanart

Hope everyone is doing fine and got cool stuff for krima

I got these for krima

(The rest were just clothes and gift cards and other random stuff)


I got it early now.