Two Horrible Nights with Mr. Glasgow

1 year ago

Anger mangagement classes are available today 100% no scam



Next up

Better code update + Glasgow's AI

In a world where glansmart is not, you will figure out.

This video was sponsored by me.

UPDATE 3.0.0 (for real)

I have made this page public again to upload some drawing that I was able to recover after I lost everything.

omg its my spawn dayyy!!!1!!1!

i am now however old i am on this forsaken platform.

anyways enjoy this NEW pit drone model i made as a consolation for no activity lately, as ive been taking it a bit easy recently.

Blam wants to play with you...

Hey, three more characters are programmed now, and that's epic.


The redman pixel art

Hey everybody, sorry about leaving this game for so long- Anyways recode is going great.