Five nights at SCG's (Legacy)
10 months ago

Animatronics currently planned

(Both maingame and custom night)

Mk I (the red one)

Mk II (blue one)

Mk II (green one)

(Dw they will look pretty different in size and texture)

Sawner 1.0 and 2.0

(Yet again pretty different from each other)

The little ones, aka "bomby-s", plural






Custom night dudes

Robo-Chester (yes.)

The man in the suit (not godzilla.)

SCG2000/MK-0 (classic)

SAWNER (classic)

80's-90's tech amalgamate thingy

"Mr. Tacky"

The thing from the attic

Razzy the Rat

Your beloved.


More to be added

There will be a 25/20 mode.

A 25/30 mode

And a 25/50 mode.


This game is more of a challenge

Not exactly scary

Think playtime with Percy

We also plan to add more animatronics! This will probably be in updates tho

Everytime you complete a major challenge

You'll get something relating to the lore of Requiem and Jake

But it won't be easy.

And nothing here is final



Next up

Razzys make me crazy

One Piece tcg ain't half bad

Watching Ena for the first time

Feels like a drug trip I likey

MK 3

Have I posted this yet

People hate on skypiea (for valid reasons) but I rarely see people talk about the humor

I mean..

He will, and I mean WILL bite your face off.... wait how would he do that if you are a computer...?

Good night......

He will have a full endo (to spare my team member from the nightmare that was rigging Mikey), and the head of the endo will not be modeled, as that would ruin my idea for the jumpscare


"Good Ol' Mikey. He was the first one made and has been through it all. He'll take a direct path to your office and vents. If he enters your office in anyway, flash him, he'll go running back to his stage."


Modeled by @Scg2000

Rigged by @000creator000