Baldi Is Down

3 years ago

ANNOUCEMENT : The official soundtrack of the long awaited demo will be available TODAY this night. Enjoy for real the DOWNess of the Bald man in a masterpiece music line !



Next up

Tomorrow will be the first year anniversary of the series ! Be tuned for the event !

WOW ! It happened ! Baldi Is Down got 20 followers ? That's quite a bit for an upcoming mod, right ? The mod can't pop out now, because Baldi's Dark School is about to release so wait a bit, and you get more Infos on it.

Hello internet ! Update time on Baldi Is Down ! The game is going on, can't say more. But ! Music is popping, so that's a good thing. Renders are now revamped slowly as development will be finished. Hope you get exited for it.

BBbsir: Baldi in the Big Blue House - Revealed Trailer

Holy crap ! The mod is going harder than ever for me. Great music, excellent art, amazing mechanics. But one thing to say.

It's coming...

A murder mystery, It seems its going larger than expected...

Hello again ! And here is a teaser for an upcoming DLC for Baldi's Theft Auto.

Baldi's Basics but Something isn't Right REMASTERED is Finally Out Now Guys!!!

Have Fun and Enjoy The Decompile

Here we are. Crossing a new generation for the video game industry. Cheers.