Hey Portians,
We hope you’re enjoying your time at Portia, and really appreciate all the feedback you’ve given us during Early Access so far, helping us make My Time At Portia as good as it can be. We know some of you have already finished most of the content in the game and are looking for more, and today we’re really excited to announce that we’ll have some new content for you very soon; the Winter Festival update!
Here’s some of what you can expect:
New holiday – Winter Solstice

In Portia, there will be a holiday for every season. These holidays will include mini games just like the gift hunting that comes with the Day of The Bright Sun. The Winter Solstice holiday event is a combination of New Year’s Eve and the Chinese Spring Festival, and we’re looking forward to you exploring all that it entails.
House decoration – Wallpaper and flooring
We’ve listened to your feedback, and we’re pleased to share that you will be able to decorate your house in this update. We’re adding wallpapers and flooring that you’ll be able to purchase from A&G Construction to make your house a home!

House decoration – Items
We’re adding new objects from the old civilization that you’ll find when mining the Abandoned Ruins. These can be taken to the Research Center, where a new machine will restore them for use in your home. There might even be call-backs to a previous Pathea Games title; should you uncover them, let us know!
Help from Ack
Ack is also getting an update! He’ll now be able to help you gather raw materials around your house, so that you have more time and stamina available to do other things.
And more…
We’re also adding new side quests, costumes and hairstyles in this update, so be sure to show us your characters if you give yourself a cool new makeover!

Want to see some pictures from this update? Check out the Steam announcement right here. We’re aiming to release the Winter Festival update by early March 2018.
We’re aiming to add new content and features to the game about once a month throughout the Early Access period with the upcoming ones expected to be even more substantial than this one. There’s a lot to look forward to, so let us know what you’re most excited about!
We hope you keep enjoying your time at Portia and we can’t wait to take you with us as the adventure expands even further. Be sure to join the conversation on Discord [discordapp.com], Twitter or Facebook - and of course right here on the forums!