Five Nights at Treasure Island (Official)
5 years ago

Another Feature!

Hello! I'm Anne! I code the game! There's a feature that I added while that last post was being made that didn't make it there, so I'm gonna say it now!

This game is going to have controller support! The game will work exactly the same except for how you control it so it's more comfortable for you!

If you have an XBox controller connected to your computer, you'll be able to play the game entirely with that controller! (Or PlayStation controller if you have the right drivers installed. JoyCons don't work, unfortunately. I'm really sorry about that.) 

Just plug it in and head over to the title screen or options menu to turn it on! The first time you turn it on, you'll go to a tutorial on how to play with it. You can go to that tutorial in the options at any time!

You can also turn on and off that initial tutorial on the title screen! If you feel like you won't remember the controls between playthroughs, you can turn it on and you'll get the tutorial every time you enable controller controls on the title screen so you can get a refresher. 

That's all for now! Thank you! Have a good day/night/morning!

PS. Progress is going great! All the AI for the main nights is complete aside from some tweaking. And the testers (no you can't be one) haven't found any game-breaking bugs yet! I'll answer some questions you have if they're not too revealing. And before you ask, I'm not allowed to give an estimated release window. At all. Please don't ask. That's all I can get away with saying before Nocturnum gets mad at me :3 k thx gtg before he breaks my shins <3




Next up

Hello, old game page... long time no see! Completely forgot to post this on here, but FNaTI 2020 is officially getting a remake of sorts. It's just this game but actually good! Check it out here:

You all seemed to enjoy the last sticker pack, so we did the same for Oblitus Casa!!! Available now until the end of November! Get it while you still can...

After release Q&A - 1/20/2021 (CLOSED)

Yes, we're a bit late... but we made a STICKER PACK for ADDENDUM: Discovery Island! Featuring beautiful artwork by @Klunsgod , make sure to get them before the month is over!

game jolt fnati new video :)

Oblitus Casa - Daisy Duck