Also, a big thanks to the top 10 as a whole!
1.- SoulOfEmber
2.- goldguy40
3.- Erickk64
4.- YessicaArts
5.- AK64
6.- ElTony_XD
7.- WTBF2007
8.- RedScratcher
9.- ScottPickett
10.- BlazingArrow12
thank you all for your support! It means a lot :,)
Now for the creator update!
Sadly, since the last few months charged sticker support has been falling low consistently, I'm working on ways to mitigate this, but I still didn't fix it completely
I know it's because of the freebie sticker pack that hasn't seen an update in a while, but honestly? between art rumps I've been facing lately + being pretty happy with the current selection, I couldn't really make or do more new ones, and I don't want to make a repeat of a sticker again with a different design, that's a waste of a sticker space, and I've also done it before sadly. Don't wanna repeat that again (I also can't really delete them because everyone will lose that sticker they worked very hard on)
So, until a new sticker packs comes by, I'm starting a bi-weekly rotation of old sticker sets, which will contain a bit of everything I've done up till this point. I'm hoping to make it available starting this Monday, if everything goes well, expect a proper announcement for this tomorrow!
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