A Cat Named Dog
4 years ago

Another status update on the game.


Development on ACND has slowed slightly, but that's nothing to worRy about. So far what I can say the next updAte will have Is:

Two new extra game modes, boss rush aNd speed run.
A new musEum to visit.
Boss health bars.
Sound; music and sound effects.
Vast, various bug fixes in the billions... or so it feels like.
Boss balancing, making some Bosses easier or harder.
MinOr graphical tweaks.
Gamejolt achievements.
and an intro cutscene I forgot to add to the initial release.

I feel like the Worst has already passed for thIs game's development, meaning there Shouldn't be too much more to worry about. I think I'll Celebrate this by reminding all of yOu that the end credits, due to the game being Made exclusIvely by me, feature everyoNe following the game. I'll end up updating the credits to reflect the current followers Gained since the last build, too.

Let's hope it gets done before december.


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Next up

Welcome to... HELL 2

As I grow closer to completing the first world of the game, it becomes harder to find the energy to work on it more. I've been sucked into other games, and my own lack of energy. Let's hope I can going on it.

look at he go

Remember the poll I did two years ago in regards to the preferred health system? ...

I hope all of have a good 2020. Thank you for sticking around for almost 4 years as some idiot fumbles around with a game you're interested in.


Happy Valentines Day, everyone!

Perfect weather for swimming! or, low gravity platforming, if you're Dog.