Hey! How’s life going? Is it going well? No..? uuhhh, anyways.
I have come with another update for you all! So let’s get started! :D
I have completed about 50% of Harold Peters’s story. That is pretty bad when you consider the time I have actually been developing this thing, welp, that’s because I have been lazy. AGAIN! I’M SOWWI OKAY, I WILL DO BETTER NEXT TIME, but anyways. yes, 50% of Harold Peters’s story is complete and I have really been speeding up these last couple of days! So that’s good..really good. I am trying to fit the previous 2 games into this one game as well, so that’s another reason it’s taking so long! :P
Again, sorry for my laziness, I promise I’ll do better! :)
SeventyFour T. Productions