[Cancelled] SOULs of the Underground
3 years ago

Another update, and a trailer to go with it.

SOULs of the Underground - Chapter 1 Pre-Release Trailer
Well, it's been a while, but we finally have enough ready to show for a trailer! The SOULs of the Underground Chapter 1 Trailer is here! Hope this tides ever...

Hello again, everyone. Long time no see, right? Well, y'know, a few months. "Long time" is pretty relative in terms of game development.

Anyways, let's get to the point.

New song.

Updated sprites.

I'm sure you saw the trailer up there.

All power is going into finishing Chapter One. The battle is 100% playable from start to finish, we just need to finish polishing it up and get the before-and-after things ready.

Still probably not going past Chapter One. Still developing the game slowly, due to both our main musician and programmer being off to do crazy things like "go to college" and "get a job". Still doing our best to make this game happen.

That's all. Hope this sufficiently reassures everyone that the game is on its way.

See you next time, which I am seriously optimistic about being full release. Er, demo release. Chapter one, is the point. What we've been working on. See you then.

Stay frosty.

~Co-Owner Meta

Deadly Skeleton To Skeleton Combat is hard to program. This is the singular and only reason development is taking so long. Everything you just read is a lie, it's all the skeleton's faults. Damn you, skeletons. If you're not already damned. Because you're dead. Ha ha ha.



Next up

Story of my life, really

Shoutout to the forgotten but invaluable They in my life


(with #GamejoltColors24 alt that prompted me to start this lol)



Gone or never-ending reality.

Note ~ August 2021


I cannot explain it but this is how it works