Another w.i.p cuz why th not 😎
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Holy moly,non fnaf stuff,yo!
Le another song instrumental preview!
Made buy Bluedell.
2 tries.
Ok i read through all of this shit and i feel kinda mixed rn
From 1 side:im kinda happy
From 2nd im blaming myself cuz 1st side thoughts could be a lie
Friday Night Funkin'.
Attempting fnf with lyrics type of shit cuz i hav insomnia.And gonna say grand depression kinda helps me out..for once.
He is always smiling..No matter how bad things are,no matter what is happening,he allways smiling.Some people may find this cute,some-scary,but it is.Yes,he has feelings,just like everyone,but he cant show them due to him not being able to change them.
he angy
Dont have a mood to work,i feel myself like nothing.Nothing much happened that srs.
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