Hello everyone, Rotas here!

Here are my answers to your questions!
1: "Will you create a video with how you modeled Popee from Popee and Buddies?"
I am planning a modeling stream in the future! I need to find the time to start streaming lol.
2: "What are the projects that you're currently working on?"
The projects I'm working on are currently two, which I remain a secret for now.
3: "What is going on with Woppy's?"
Woppy's The Pilot Episode is canceled. The original game is still on Gamejolt!
4: "Is this project still in development?"
Yes, it still is, but I remain the progress of the game slowly just to be sure that I do everything right!
To give a better view, the modeling progress of "The Flower Teaser" is around 90%!
5: "Do you plan a sequel for Popee and Buddies?"
As the matter of fact, yes I do! @CommanderAlexander and I are slowly gaining ideas together for a potential second game!
We already got Popee's design done and modeled! Here's a quick preview!
6: "What got you into game developing / modeling?"
Scott Cawthon got me into creating my own models and fangames.
7: "What were your major inspirations for Popee and Buddies' characters' designs?"
Not really sure what inspired me, Popee's name is inspired by "Popee the Performer", but otherwise I fully made the models myself without any reference materials.
8: "How are you doing?"
I had a really rough May til' Juli. But I'm doing good now, thanks for asking! <3
9: "What's your favorite model you have made in the past?"
Probably my stylized Wall - E, one of my favorite animated movies!
10: "Have you considered doing original games besides FNAF one day?"
Yes, I already got some concepts and ideas in store, but that's something to focus on in the future!
That's everything, thanks a lot!
See you soon!