Vive Nights at Freddy's: A VR Fan-Remake
7 years ago

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

This is a rough outline of what I have planned for this project, and it should answer a lot of questions people have been asking lately:

Where to Download:
The most complete releases of the game can be found here on GameJolt. There will also be preview builds of upcoming features on the alpha-testing discord channel ( I also maintain an page that will always have new and old releases of the game, but other content like previews and dev-logs aren’t usually kept up-to-date there.

There are currently three main releases of the game: a Halloween release, an “Easter” release (for April Fools), and a normal release. These are all early access previews from different stages in the game’s development; they should not be taken as final, literally everything in them could change for the next release, and they are completely riddled with bugs.

Compatible VR Hardware:
This game currently requires a room-scale VR system to play correctly. It does not currently support non-VR gameplay, although I plan to implement that in the near future; it will be in the August update if I have time. But VR will always be the preferred and most immersive way to play. It does not currently have support for any mobile VR systems or anything that doesn’t have room-scale controllers; I might look into porting the PC version to Android when it’s complete, but not any sooner than that, because switching back and forth between versions is very time-consuming and difficult. Lastly, I have no plans whatsoever to port it to PSVR; that could only happen if the game were officially licensed, and that is extremely unlikely (and even if that happened, there are a dozen other hurdles just past that).

Difficulty and Bugginess:
I am aware of issues with the difficulty of the game, and with the AI not always behaving as expected; this is normal, the AI was never intended to be an exact copy of the original game’s AI, and they will do things that you aren’t expecting, including moving when you think they aren’t supposed to move, or going places you didn’t think they could go. They are also really super hard in some places because I knew I would be abandoning that build of the game and wanted to give you guys a challenge.

At this point I’m aware of most of the bugs in available builds of the game, and most of them are irrelevant since I’ve rewritten almost all of my code anyways. The only bugs I’m concerned with right now are the ones in the Alpha Demo available in the alpha-testing channel; be sure to check the text file in the dropbox folder with the current release to see a list of known bugs.

Planned Updates:
The next update is planned to be released by the end of August. It will contain a complete remake of much of the content already seen in previously released versions of the game, plus many of the things present in the Alpha Demo.

It has taken extra-long to get this release working because I’ve completely rewritten most of the game’s code to support the fully-modeled restaurant I made. That means the animatronics you see on camera will actually be present out in the restaurant, and you will be able to look out the doors and see them standing in the hallways. The previous releases used Scott’s renders as a shortcut, but I decided that I wanted to do more than just an exact remake.

The Future:
I have many plans to include features from other FNAF games in this game; I don’t currently have plans to completely remake those games, but I will at least include gameplay elements and locations from them. You will be able to preview some of these features in the alpha-testing channel.

This game is no longer just a remake of FNAF 1, it is a remix of elements from many FNAF games, and as such it is not and will never be 100% exactly like the real games; the animatronics will have different AI and movement patterns, for example. However, I would like to at least include a series of accurate FNAF 1 nights as an extra unlockable.

After the August update, I plan to work on a Halloween update. I am still deciding what kind of content will go into this update, but I will say that it involves the Nightmares, just like the last Halloween update. If for some reason I am unable to finish the August update in time, I will shift my focus to the Halloween update instead.

I am not in any way in contact with Scott Cawthon; this is 100% a free fan game, and until he or I say otherwise, it always will be.



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