A Night with a Castro (FNaF Parody Game)
5 years ago

ANWAC 2 nearly got cancelled: The 80's Aftermath.

Yesterday almost all of our stuff fucking died for the game it it wasn't by the 001 file, and now we know why.

Basically Running in the 80's was the responsable of such action, this game that is kinda nice almost KILLED a game, and who the fuck knows who could had been murdered by such beast aswell.

Make backups of your games and stay safe, this game almost killed one of my favorite games of my own making and i fear for anyone else who gets such horrible fate too.

You are not going to be Running in the 80's, you are going to ESCAPE OF THE 80'S, SHOOT AND RUN UNTIL YOU ARE SAFE FELLOW GAMERS, RUN.



Next up

I was bored and i finally had courage to go and 3D model the other 4 characters in the Customless Night (Excluding the clock monitor due to being modeled later when we program the mode if we ever reach it).

Welp, not gonna say that I didn't warn ya'll asses that Taaryn had RED FLAGS all over his ass, but because ya'll were willing to pay 32K for Piñata Puppy World's Kickstarter, I'm afraid I have to say I WARNED YOU.

Atleast the redesigns are neat (I guess)!

Aw sheet, here we go again.

UPDATE: The Brother was composed of the Piñata Puppy World characters, thus why Piñata Puppy was gonna be in IRT 3, aswell as Taaryn refusing to redesign him.

In Real Time was nothing but a souless marketing stunt to promote PPW, what a CHEAPSTAKE!!!


Piñata Puppy World has a lot of red flags around it, being Banban but with fnaf/Indigo park characters in a short experience.

Atleast Lorus had a slight glow up! Still not spending 15 bucks on this cashgrab tho, idk why ya'll supporting this.

Hey, ANwaC's birthday was yesterday, Big F, i lost it due to homework and some other stuff, have this lil' doodle to satisfy your hunger.

As a Loch Ness monster fan who had genuine nightmares with the Plesiosaur eating me as a kid: Lorus is the worst design I've seen for Piñata Puppy World, if not any mascot horror character PERIOD, so bland that CAPTAIN FIDDLES looks more interesting.

Five Nights at Freddy's 3 (2014) may be one of my favorite FNaF Games ever, if you haven't given it a try, do it while you can! Kinda weird how Scott hasn't taken it down, I guess he's ok with this being archived, which is pretty neat!