Hey everyone!
Instead of an April Fools, I want to run you through a proper update to the game, since there hasn't been one in a while. This won't be a huge update, since there isn't a whole lot to really cover without outright spoiling stuff.
More or less, everything is pretty much done and we're waiting for assets for one minor part of the game before going into the testing phase. This wait is outside our control, so I won't make any release date promises until one is absolutely certain. At one point, Easter was a big contender for that spot since rabbits and stuff are a thing there, but we're not going to rush anyone's work when it comes to even the smallest part.
On the lighter side, all of the day segments, cutscenes, extras, and endings are all done!

And before you start your shifts, you will have access to comics that are themed around the behaviours of the animatronics. Phone calls are really overdone, so we went with something that both fits the theme and is unique to a degree. Here's a look at Foxy's two main actions, featuring Bon from The Walten Files.
These amazing comic pages were drawn by Quetzal, who did amazingly with these!

And of course, there's animated scenes sprinkled throughout.
Like I said, pretty small update overall and while we wait for the last things to be made, we've noticed the page has gotten over 400 followers! That's pretty cool, if you ask me, and we hope you give the game a try when it comes out.
There's going to be a lot to unpack. You might even find some "dangerous and powerful" entities within.

Dr. Cross