Five Nights with Froggy: Help awaiting

1 year ago

[April Fools!] Five Nights with Froggy: Help awaiting 3

The Fairy Kingdom cannot be left alone, and even after the terrible events that happened in it, the Fairy Kingdom opens its doors again, but this time in Froggold's old castle - now it is a museum. They thought that there would be no more troubles, and that toys were a thing of the past, but they forgot someone...

Сказочное Королевство не могут оставить в покое, и даже после ужасных событий произошедших в нём, Сказочное Королевство снова открывает свои двери, но на этот раз в старом замке Фроггольда - теперь это музей. Они думали, что никаких бед больше не будет, а игрушки в прошлом, но они кое-кого забыли...



Next up

🔧Help awaiting - 1.0.1 hotfix

I don't remember her in that theater... Я не помню её в том театре...

🔦Five Nights with Froggy: Help awaiting is out!

After a year of development, this has finally happened! The game is now available to download on Windows and Android

Five Nights with Froggy — Coming to Steam

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🗒️ Discord Rich Presence on PC, as well as fixing a bug with a skip when watching the ending in 1.0.4!

🗒️ Discord Rich Presence на ПК, а также исправление бага с пропуском при пересмотре концовки в 1.0.4!

Survey about GKProduction

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Something's wrong with the flashlight

Endless and Random nights trailer - FNwFroggy: Help awaiting

Results of the February 2025

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✨ DrawRunner: Classic

For last few years the idea of DrawRunner has changed a lot, and it won't be coming soon... That's why i'm starting to make DrawRunner: Classic right now!