Here we'll save everything we still have from Chomper's: Reborn. Some of these things you've already seen, some you haven't.
Before the cancellation, the models went through a third remodel. It was basically the last thing done to the game before development stopped for good.

Here are two animations made by the team. Both are for testing, nothing official.

Midway was Chomper's springtrap, basically. It went through 3 remodels, and all 3 were lost. The only thing we have is a WIP of the third remodel.

(Fun fact: Midway wasn't planned to be in the game, it was added after the first model was made as a surprise for one of the directors).
During development, our 2D and 3D artist, @TartarugaGaucha , made a character of his own and inserted him into some things from Chomper's Reborn. At one point, he was actually considered to be an extra antagonist in the main game.

Here are some things that don't deserve their own category. Most of them were only made for testing and wouldn't be used in the final game.

We may have started off on the wrong foot, but we're much more mature and experienced now. We know we have the talent and ability to do something incredible for the public. We are extremely excited to show you what we have planned for the future.

D0rshia is unfortunately no longer with the team, but he was a great help. Thank you for your time on the team, D0rshia.
That's all. Many things have been lost in time and the documents containing the lore are too messy to be shown to the public. Once again, thank you for following this project, we loved working on it, and we'll love working on our original project. We hope you'll be there to see this new project come to life.
Sincerely, the skullcase studios team.