8 months ago

arrow is supposed 2 get a SMALL update on their design soon but i havent put it in2 studio yet but keep it in mind



Next up

@DrRETRO / @itemLabel i drew ur cat again

background lyrics = Everything Is Romantic - Charli xcx


spite art + color test

my stuoid ugly wife

go give our beta testers a big sloppy kiss on the mouth right now

Infopost - Jasper He/Him

(UPDATED icant update the original post) + (Meefy gave me permjssion 2 make this myself)

its meefys cat sunday you just got totally meefys catted

@drretro / @itemlabel

come back next week for more super epic awesome meefys catting

ive remade teh music in the lobby !!! as of posting this isnt in the game but it will definitely b soon ^_^


meefys woke ass cat sunday

their new shirt Do you like their shirt Pls say yes

@drretro / @XxMeefTehSillyFunnyGooberUwUxX

srry for missing last week oopsies </3

i wouldve done more but im kinda in artblock rn

redesigned one of my ocs ! if ur unfamiliar with them , this is audery !

she represents the fear of time passing and shes basically immortal

uh theres Lethal Company floor now if anyone cares...

meefys cat sunday 2

sopping wet cat in the rain

@drRETRO / @XxMeefTehSillyFunnyGooberUwUxX