Thanks a heavy ton for the support. I don't feel like I deserve this much honestly. I feel very sorry for IvanG and other team members that I feel like need to be named for their hard work and mistreatment, I want to shout out to people like Terence (Animator), Blackhat (Modeller), Zom (programmer), Daztrax (Programmer), TVBunny (VA) and more, that I feel like they deserve more attention than I.
I am always happy to give this project a chance and work again on it. I never wanted to leave but I had to because of weshek's stupid decision makings. And again over your support guys it's great but believe me no feelings hurt on my end I am doing fine. I am only happy that I actually did all of this heavy work it only proved as a good practice for me, was fun! yet very frustrating.
Oh well I love you guys. and I am always here to help people with stuff. I try to talk with people when I can and help others and if I don't I am pretty sure that I am either a cowardly mad and don't want to talk and 80% of the time just very very busy with IRL business things, specially my family