I use israeli sites, wallahi it's halal if you do what I do.
I use google.com, doitinhebrew.com, youtube.com, israeli government websites (to roast them) and more.
but there are a few rules that i follow
never ever give anyone your money. it might go to stupid old israel
just by clicking a link or typing a url doesnt mean ooh they will get 1000 money even if you dont buy premium bruh
deviantart says "#peaceforisrael" all the time dont they, but that doesnt mean you have to delete your account if you already have one, just dont buy anything then you wont give them money to give to israel
even sites like roblox, dont give them money, you will never know where that money goes. if you want robux then I'll give you some, I got some for free LEGALLY by makin games and playing donation games. EZ