ZS! HELP_tale

5 years ago

As thanks for 100 followers, and 10,000 views; here's some tease images, and HELP_tale Demo 3 stuff:

HELP_tale Demo 3 will be complete within the next two to three months...…………………………………. or years, what ever comes first lol. (I'm making to many games, somebody stop me)

What to expect in Demo 3 without spoiling:

Demo 3 will feature Baumigel Leviathan's Prototype Sans 5, and Prototype Papyrus 4. The [null] kid. Health bars for battles that have attacks. (some) improved sprites. Battles with the IT'S: P H A N T O M and d_u_m_m_y. More encounters and a final battle with the Deformed Amalgamate of warrior fish women. Revamped dialog system (only for new characters) with a skip text function, dialog faces, and speech sounds. And finally some puzzle elements in waterfall.

What to expect in Demo 3.1 without spoiling:

Sometime after Demo 3 is released i'll release a mini update. This will include Revamping the dialog system , attacks for T0r!3l and the R_U_I_N_S, more attacks for Corrupted Fresh Sans, revamping the dialog system for ALL characters, and fixing some minor collision bugs.

Finally if you can tell the difference between a bug and intentional game design then post a comment about it or something.



Next up

Glad to announce that Baumigel Leviathans "C.O.M.E.G.A.S" a.k.a "The Great O.M.E.G.A.S" will be in HELP_tale DEMO 3! Also I'm now implementing a Genocide and Pacifist route!

Original Character from this video:

see you soon.


#Monster Papalgamate overworld redesign:

oh my god...

Stay calm everyone, it's happening!!!

I re-designed Sanstrocity and more:

Minecraft Artwork:

Dad, i'm famous.

Also go follow this game:

*Ice to meet you.