9 hours ago

@Freddygamer726 , @AXDRTheKawaiiGreyFox , @DrauxileTheFooxEepy Last Post before the week long break Also Yeah i did NameDrop you "Kiel"



Next up

I found a Exploiter while Playing Forsaken today

Anyways here is DAVID

Hello everyone i just wanna inform you of something i'll be working on very soon (article)

He Just Got Hacked by the same guy that hacked me and @NightmareSonicFan2007

you Have to play FNAF TD for a week to get this skin for crying child

The Design Might be Delayed if it isn't done by that day

I got the Portal Series and Garry's Mod

Currently Watching the Game theory video

hope you guys have a good week while i'm taking a break