One Night at Chica's Magic Rainbow's: REMASTERED (unoffical)
10 months ago

@Guiltless0910 played game and beat hard mode(fart victor)(video on the page), peakkkk, also new patch is out that adds sound cue for purple murple man spawning

chip / custom night update when i feel like speed running game dev again probably



Next up

the full game of Original revamp is now out!, report bugs as always, there are some known issues but im workin on seeing what i can do

my fucking life right now

the REDONE update is out!!!! changes many things of the game to make it look better and also be more like recent updates to the original game, still no chips maybe in 2025

aw heeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllll nawwwwwwwwww

due to recent events we are going to redesign jake to fit gamejolt's new quality standards, also will be renaming the spirits suits into the nft suits, we belive this is a change for the better any way

why did he do this

me making games in 2024????? not possible

i love cart of blenders game 4, with hit indie horror mascot choo choo charly making a guest camio brother, so i made a new garden tender oc, it takes some insperation from i carly choo choo