8 months ago

@MONODO #Bawco #Bookmarks

i posted wiþ permission

paper format:
• ISO‑216 A4
• 300 dpi
• 5 mm print safe margin
• 2 mm padding between bookmarks


#CraftTemplate #ArtsAndCrafts

bookmarks crafting recommendations

first page is front side, second is back.

printing the back on the same paper as the front will have them misaligned, so i recommend you

  1. print both sides on a different paper

  2. cut out the bookmarks with scissors and/or a paper knife

  3. glue both sides of each bookmark together

you should also print the bookmarks on photo paper (not normal paper)

  1. to avoid the infamous "ripple distortion effect" after gluing

  2. to make the bookmark much more stable

  3. to print better colors

※ in the example photos, i chose to print everything on the glossless side of the paper


in hopes the bookmarks don't get lost, i added a binder.

it is crafted like so:

  1. cut out with scissors and/or a paper knife.

    for a clean cut, you should cut out the tiny hole with a paper knife (not scissors)

  2. fold wherever a straight line goes through the whole shape

  3. glue the matching shapes together where it's marked with a dot



Next up

new avatar 2024-11-12

i made a new avatar 2 days ago but i made it circle‑şaped because i forgot þat many websites still use square‑şaped avatars: https://gamejolt.com/p/new-avatar-and-header-2024-11-10-xznvipyc

10 000 Likes

missing Game Jolt trophy

new avatar and header 2024-11-10

Create your own Arcane art to be featured in an official Opera GX Arcane Mod + GET a chance to win prizes and bragging rights.

The best part? No AI is allowed in the contest.

Enter the contest here: https://bit.ly/forgeyourlegacy

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