First off, you need to read the ToS instead of giving users attention so they can false report me and then block me without giving me a reason why they blocked me.

Second off, I didn't lie about your friend who is now banned. I was telling the truth about him, so there is no way that could be an lie.

Third off, I threatened to report you because you kicked me from an group without speculating an reason why you kicked me.

Fourth off, That's not spreading awareness to tell people to block me, that's just forcing people to report and block me for no reason.

Fifth off, You are literally underage. You claim to be 14 yet you're 11, just like your friend who is now banned.

Sixth off, You literally told an underage kid to kill themself and you made the kid cry. You have gone too far to be exact, child.

Seventh off, You make lies just so you could grow an hatebase of somebody for no reason.

Eighth off, Accept the block dumbass.

Nineth off, I blocked you for stalking.

Tenth off, With love, sf0149



Next up


Vs. Sonic.Exe Round 3 teaser

Actually I'm not working on the mod yet. I have found this off GameBanana and decided to publish it here for anybody to see

I will work on the mod once Round 2.5 is released or work on it a month early (3/26/2025)


Sonic Unleashed (PC Port)

If this gets 4 likes, I will announce the game title


I forgot to export this updated 17bucks styled DD so, here you go.

Otis design for Vs. Sonic.Exe: Round 4

Cour fanchart

I had to give up on this one because I don't chart with instrumental and vocals combined

I'll release the fanchart on GameBanana if you want it

@lordx1234 caught grooming an minor

Also I know you ain't 14, you olda then that