Good luck with 4/50 mode if you're going to play it!
Also, as far as I know, this is the first ever mod of a FNaBP game!
@ProPGOfficial has released a mod of FNaBP 1 that increases the maximum AI on the Custom Night to 50!
Check it out on his mods page:
Please note that is mod is only available for the Windows version of the game.
Good luck with 4/50 mode if you're going to play it!
Also, as far as I know, this is the first ever mod of a FNaBP game!
Today is the 2nd anniversary of the first Five Nights at Bootleg Plush's game (and also the series)!
Here's a new poster with all the characters from the released games (and also Phantom Freddy and Phantom Chica).
Something will be released today.
Update 1.8 + MFA Release
Me and a couple of friends are going to try and raise money for a suicide prevention project! (read below for more information)
Found more screenshots of indev/pre-release versions of the game.
I went to look at some old Discord DMs with one of my friends and found these screenshots.
Update 1.7.3
Update 1.7.1
So my OCs had tiny alters, and here they are. Here's the CORE 3 of my OC's, you can use these as reference for arts of any form!
Fred - wendigo
Samantha - wolf
Void - Void rabbit
Drawings are by the talented: @MarineBlue , go check out her stuff! :)
#InayahWishlist Only doing this for the quest, but there's the screenshot.
#KnightlingQuest Can't play the demo right now, because I don't have access to a computer.