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Ybbx ng uvz qebiauas oqargu bs qrcerffuba. That's too bad, isn't it?

Ur xuyygrys xhfg gb fnir yvir

Lrg ur pna'g frys uvz

Don't you agree souls? =]

@VioletTubbybotFNATL I got Bored.. I just drew you. Hope you like it

@Fem_LokiGamerWolf this for you

Not only your a friend

Because your a good friend Who helps others like me

my new katana

Today I am going to showcase an art showdown. With game joit Creators?

This game is a vote Who has the best art from there fans And Friends

And whoever wins This competition gets a little gift.

@takwa764 @VioletTubbybotFNATL

Good luck Creators 👍

Happy birthday @takwa764

