That Night at FredBears 5: Family Reunion
8 years ago

Attention! Looking for Voice Actor and Actress!

Hey everyone, just a quick little log to explain something. My new project coming up hasn’t started development YET, in fact i’ve gotten little done. Mainly because there’s so much to be done before true development begins. I’m looking for a voice actor and a voice actress to play two characters in my next game.

The roles are Coffee (Female Voice) and Dco.9 (Male Voice), yes, this is straight up confirming my next project is Desolate Hope related. Woopiedoo. Anyway, if you’re willing to fill in the role, please link either a vacaroo link showing your voice in the comments of this devlog, OR send a downloadable WAV/MP3 file. I will announce who gets the roles soon.

Following Requirements are:

-Is willing to do this for free.
-Age 13 or above.
-Has at the very least OKAY mic quality.

That’s all. Thank you for your time, and have a nice day!



Next up

10 Years at Freddy's...

It's Just A Bad Dream #FNaF #2024

Now In Development #FNaF #2024

Merry Christmas!

[One] [Two] [Three] [Four]

HELP WANTED for a FNaF World Project!

BLOOD OF THE ROSE page is here!