1 month ago

AWWJ 3 but it's an MML custom night game:

Liz:She will make her way to either of your doors, Use the lazer of the side she's at.

HM:She may appear above or below you, Where you must shock her.

Jeff:Lure him around with the audio, Don't let him to the door...

HM:Upon leaving the top floor, He will instantly teleport to the window, And can't be lured back.

Tom:When he goes into a vent, Heat it up to avoid a gruesome death.

HM:He will never leave the vents, He will just teleport to another one after he gets heated up, Although his kill timer has been increased.

Uil/Uli/Zach/Idk:He will start on the top floor, And will try to get to your office, The way to stop him is by setting the tempature to his eye color (Red=Hot, Blue=Cold), He cannot be stopped by turning the light off anymore.

HM:Basically the same HM buff as Jeff (Although he moves a bit slower now), And he also has a higher chance to change his eye color.

Darknette (Human):He will get impatient as the night goes on (His patience can be viewed on one of the cams on the main floor), Once it's delpeted, He will appear at the window, Quickly turn off the light so the zombie infection doesn't spread to you!

Darknette (Spectre):If he fades in while the light is off, Instantly turn it back on to avoid death.

HM (Human):His patince meter is now a secret, And he's even more impatient now (His meter drains faster).

HM (Spectre):If he fades in while the light is on, You must close the lazer corresponding to which of his eyes are glowing. (If none are glowing, Turn the lights off.)

S. Cyangle:When she arrives at your office, You must imput the number her eye says a set amount of times untill she leaves.

HM:If her eye says 0, Press the red part of her number thing, And if her number is red (Regardless of what it is), Click her eye.

S. Milk and S. Yogurt:Whenevey they're either above or behind you, Shock them so they leave. (Also to make them less annoying, Their sound cue is louder.)

HM:Now only one of them will appear on the camera they're attacking you from, If Milk there, Shock her, If Yogurt is there, DON'T SHOCK HIM. (Also they move twice as fast now.)

S. Jack:When he comes to your office, Keep his music box wound until he leaves.

HM:He will never leave, Except the music box winds a bit slower now.

The Ravager:If you see something rather stange on the cameras, He is coming, Turn off the light when he's near, If you turn it off too early, You lose a lot of power, If too late, He will end you.

HM:If he appears on the maintinance pannel, Quickly close it, If you hear his breathing, Close the side you hear it from (WARNING:Unless it was already closed, Closing the wrong one is instant death), And if you hear a wail, Don't turn off the light until you hear it again.

Mr. Springlock:If he's at an entrance, Use the lazer, If he's behind you (You'll hear breathing that's different from TR's breathing), Turn off the light, And if you hear something rather strange, Heat up the vent he's in.

HM:He will attack faster, And if he appears in front of you, You make sure not to change the tempature from what it currently is until he leaves.

S. Evil Javier:If he's running at you, Use the left lazer, If you hear a bang, Heat up the vent he's in, If he appears after closing the monitor, Reopen it, If he appears on the monitor, Close it, And when he's front of you, Turn off the light.

HM:There are multiple of him, And they all attack more frequently.

D. Javier:Guess who's the real one if you don't want your socks scared off.

HM:There are now 8 of him instead of 4.

D. Mr Monarka:If he's in the vent, Don't lazer it until he leaves.

HM:He has a change to appear at the door too.

D. Violet:If she's walking by the window, Don't have the door lazer on when she gets to the other side.

HM:Closing it at all when she's there is an instant scare.

D. Mindy:If she's on your screen, Don't leave the light off.

HM:If she appears when the light is on, You have to turn it off.

D. Mike:If he apperas in the office, Find his face in the cameras.

HM:If he jumpscares you, You get every error.

D. Matty:If he appears on the cameras, Quickly find all of the stars before he scares you.

HM:There are twice as many stars.

N̈³Ģ4Ţ¹V3 J̣̌⁴V1³Ř:If he glitches in at the window, Turn off the light, If he appears on any monitor, Close it quickly, If he apperas in the office, Open the cameras, If he's at any door, Use the lazer, If you start to hallucinate, Pay attention to what a certain one's text says, And change to tempature to what it says. (Hot or Cold)

HM:Halfway though the night, He will change all active demiseds into their human forms (Like in night 7), And will make them more agressive, also he will attack more often.

Fake Javier:From time to time, He will try to install, Just cancel it to stop him from jumpscaring you and breaking your cameras.

HM:If he jumpscares you, He gives you all errors.

Evil Shadow:He just appears every once in a while (very rarely), Just flip up any monitor and you should be good.


Bad Cameras:The camera battery drains faster.

Broken Audio:The audio has a higher change to break.

Partially Blind:The flickering (That happens when your oxygen is low) always happens, Regardless of your oxygen.

HEART ATTACK!:The demiseds kill you.

JUST LEAVE ALREADY:The night starts at 9pm.

(Maybe give me your ideas in the comments)



Next up

That poster over there aged worse than Milk and Yogurt

Umm acktually it's pronounced "Hah-vee-air" 🤓

Eugene Saltzberg "Negative Krabs"

Me after seeing @ToadetteGaming92 's posts (DON'T SEND HATE TO HER)

Yoshi and Friends!

Caption this but make it AWWJ related

Here are some of the characters that will be in the game, I'll start developing soon.

Also i need voice actors, Send me a friend request if you wanna voice a character, I don't have Discord.

Kinda Late of doing those kind of fnaf movie parodies art but eh, i just did this for Fun

Me looking at my past immature self (Heck this is the same for almost everyone):