That's not so Much but Atleast i Have Both Games Almost Done
Bozo Mode Leak NO WAY!!
That's not so Much but Atleast i Have Both Games Almost Done
Bozo Mode Leak NO WAY!!
A Week with Javier - Fan Game or Original?
Tomorrow im going to be Back to College so every game im working on is going to be slowed down, expect a post per 2 weeks
another stylized design, akranoM .rM kraD!
(To be honest I didn't expect him to look SO monstrous.)
Slow Down Bro.
AWWJ 3 fan poster!
"there is no one else left... ARE ALL DEAD... but unfortunately... I am still alive"
Decided to join xd
Mike animation! :P
oh crap, it's been so many time i made those kind of dynamics... so, I think it's time to do this again, i kinda miss those kinds of dynamics honestly, so QnA time.