3 years ago

AX Lore go brrrrr!

In the beggining of NDT Multiverse, there was 5 types of crystals, the Chaos Emeralds, the Phantom Rubys, the Neo Diamonds, the Sol Emeralds and the Soul Fragments. When GOD started at know his powers (when he was 5/6 years old), he created Mobius and Ciantsands. So many years have been passed and Sonic was chillin at Station Square. One of the Phantom Rubys appeared and cloned Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy and Shadow's biodata. When the Phantom Ruby made it, Eggman found it and stealed it, puting it in Tails Doll. After a time, the Mega Tails Doll was born, a non-gender Tails Doll with similar powers of Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy and Shadow's powers. After a time, the Phantom Ruby tried to escape, but, the crystal stayed in MTD. The soul of the Phantom Ruby, made a body similar to the Sonic Body, but, putted Knuckles powers in it. When the "Clone" of Sonic waked up, he made his own name, Arthur The hedghehog. After a time (NDT already exists), Coby showed Arthur a Red Ring he found out, and when Arthur touched it, AX was born, a demon that does everything Arthur does and some more (like flying), and he can reset his kills so he is neutral. One adventure after AX, Arthur discorvered Dimension 63, the reverse gender dimension where he meet Sophia, the Genderbent Arthur! After the worlds collapsed (Sonic, NDT, NDT.EXE and NDTGB), all of them started to work togheter!

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