Baby's Nightmare Circus Mobile
5 years ago

Baby Nightmare Circus, bugs that will be fixed soon/Baby Nightmare Circus, bugs que serão corrigidos em breve:

Repeating Scene Animation/Animação de Cenas se repetindo.


Lack of audio in the scenes/Falta de áudio em cenas


BR:Vale lembrar que os extras já estão no Apk, mas ainda não é possível acessá-lo, provavelmente ele vai vir nessa versão de bugs corrigidos.

ES:It is worth remembering that the extras are already in the Apk, but it is not yet possible to access it, it will probably come in this version of fixed bugs.



Next up


Weekly (or monthly) updates regarding the page maintenance process occurred regularly! Sorry for the unforeseen event.

Baby's Nightmare Circus Update 0.0.2!

I found this in my files

BR:Oi galera, a nova versão do port já está sendo upada.

ES:Hi guys, the new version of the port is already being updated.

Teaser (image Teaser) print - WIP

Gameplay image #02

Promotional poster for my Instagram @igorgomessd

- Let's play? Promotional poster for my Instagram @igorgomessd