2 months ago

back from my haitus still have exams but whatever

devlog time

Not a whole lot of progress have been made

so i am just gonna show all the progress of the games i have made


this project will last as my final update to the game before moving on to the squeal it will fix some stuff (and even collision if i can) and make it look a little nicer


remember when i said i am going to make a FNAS 2 retake? well here it is! so far progress is going great for this one the menu is 50% finished and now i am going to make more stuff for the game and i will a couple of changes still keeping the same cast but updating it a little more such as removing some characters and adding new ones who are the new ones you may be asking? haha i won't tell you wait until the game is revealed! but don't worry! here is a screenshot showcasing the menu and with my poorly drawn sonic skills




tbh this project sucks NEXT


i mean the game is fr finished and yet bighead is still doing those phone calls like fr i really want to release the game but bighead is still trying to come up with some phone calls (WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME AAAAAAAAAA)


not much has been made

that's all what i have to show you guys so see ya



Next up

mella's ai is coded less go

only golden left... (and lily too)

peak writing moment

Tonight on Oricle being a dumbass

he steals your time

and thanks you for it

Thuck it suggest me a mechanic for a character

you can only choose 3 characters so choose wisely

also read article first before choosing to see witch slots are available (CLOSED)

beating max mode in some games are quite hard as shit makes me wanna smash my mouse and moniter

everyone gangsta until

1.6k views? holy moly!

didn't expect that but anyways

here is a preview of TRTAS 2 my dudes


she oricle on my golden til G.O.L.D.E.N

Page revamped!