((A/N) Okay people! Listen up before reading. So, this story is more to the future. It's like 10 years later. This story have some shipping. And welp, enjoy!)
10 years later...
"Good morning, mom!" The female young hedgehog, Sara greeted her mother. "Good morning honey.." Her mother, Pikachu the hedgehog smiled and gave her a hug. "What are you cooking, mom?" Sara's twin, Luke asked when he came downstairs. "Pancakes!" The third child, Sapphire answered for her mother. "Pancakes?! Yum!" Luke said while his mouth waters. Pikachu giggled. "Where is your father?" The mother asked. "Oh! Dad is teaching Dash and Scarlett how to spindash!" Sara pointed to the window. "Can you call them for breakfast dear?" Pikachu asked. "Aye, aye, mom!" In a blink of an eye Luke was outside.
"Okay Dash. Like I taught you. Roll and you got it!" Their father, Sonic the hedgehog patted his son, Dash on the head. "Alright dad!" Dash said as he excitedly roll into a ball and do a dash. Which unfortunately, he hitted a tree. "Dash!" Sonic said as he quickly ran to the young hedgehog. "Dash, are you okay?" Sonic asked with a worry tone. The young hedgehog unrolled himself and laughed. "Man! That was so cool!" Dash said with stars in his eyes. The father sigh, glad his son wasn't hurt. "Scarlett! You should try this out!" Dash called out to his youngest sister. "Oh okay.." Scarlett then rolled to a ball and did a perfect spindash. "Good job, Scarlett! Now, stop yourself from hitting anything!" Sonic called out to his daughter. "I-I can't!!" Scarlett yelled while trying to broke up. And she was heading to a wall. "BREAK BREAK!!" Sonic yelled at Scarlett while chasing her. The young hedgehog almost hitted the wall when suddenly she was pulled up with someone's telekinesis. Dash and Sonic looked in the house to see Sara lifting Scarlett with her telekinesis. "Sara!" Dash called her up. The female hedgehog then slowly putted her younger sister on the ground. "Phew! Luckilly Sara arrived quick!" Luke said, sighing that his sister wasn't hurt. "Scarly! Are you okay?" Sonic ran to his daughter. "Yeah..thanks sis." Scarlett smiled to her sister as she smiled back. "Oh! Um..mom said breakfast is ready!" Sara said to her father. "Man, i'm already starving.." Dash said as he hold his stomach.
"Right! We forget that today, Uncle Tails, Knuckles, Shadow, Aunty Nebula and Amy are coming to visit." Pikachu informed her children as they ate. Scarlett's eyes widened. "Did you just say Uncle Shadow?!" She said. "Yes, Scarlett. Shadow is coming." Sonic smiled at his daughter while she cheered. "She really love Shadow didn't she?" Sonic nudged his wife while she nodded.
~A few moments later~
"They're here!" Sapphire cheered as Sonic opened the door. "Hey buddy! Long time no see!" Tails said as he hugged his brother. Sonic chuckled amd hugged back. "Hey Tails. I miss ya too." "Uncle Shadow!" Scarlett said as she ran to Shadow. "Hey Scarlett" He knelled down to Scarlett's height and patted her head.
Suddenly, an egg shapped man came down with an Egg Carrier. Knuckles growled. "Eggman! What are you doing here?!" "Seriously? We're in a middle of a reunion now!" Amy said as she took out her hammer. "Oh no! I'm just stopping by to say hi and give you a present!" Eggman chuckled. "Present?" Sonic raised a brow. "Yes! Here you go!" Eggman replied as a box appeared im front of them. "Hasta la bye bye!" He laughed as he rode his Egg Carrier. The box opened itself and revealed a machine. "What the.." Pikachu said. The machine suddenly booted up and trapped the adults together. "Kids! Get inside the house NOW!!" Sonic odered the five children. They nodded and quickly get inside. The machine charges up and zapped the adults with a blue beam. The adults then were knocked out as the machine self destruct.
"Wait, you three stay there. Me and Sara are going to take something. Keep trying!"
"Okay Luke! Mom wake up please!"
"Ugh it's no use! Let me try spindashing them or somethin-"
"No Dash! You might hurt them!"
"Sapp is right."
"Guys! Step aside!"
Sonic woked up with his body are wet. "GAH!!" He yelled. He looked beside him to see his wife. But younger. "Pikachu! Tails! Knuckles! Shadow! Nebula! Amy!" He yelled making the others woke up. "What happen- OH MY CHAOS WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU SONIC?!" Nebula looked at the blue hedgehog. "Um...why do you looked like you're...15?" Scarlett looked at Pikachu with a confused look. "What do you mea- Oh god.." Pikachu looked at herself in shocked. "Welp, i'm 10 again.." Tails said. "That machine...we're young again!" Sonic exclaimed
Wohoooo done! This story just came into my mind..
Welp..hope ya enjoy this crazy story. Part 2 coming soon!
Take care and
Pikachu out!