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Our Happy Place
New Teaser!
And with that -Falling Stars- (Evermore's 2) Renovated Cast is done! I'm proud of these, if you guess which one is my favorite design, I'll uhhhhhhh, Idk tell you how they'll work or something
Good Fucking Luck 👍
Game is still in development
The Show Promises Great Entertainment, No Matter What
Our Happy Place...
(This is still Evermore but not THE Evermore you've seen)
Some stuff for "Our Happy Place" (Bomb's Full name in this is "Bombert Boomary Bomb" might be changed depending if the owner/guy this is supposed to be wants it changed or edited)
Evermore's 3 confirmed?!??
This is just a little side project for Evermore's
All 8/8 A.I.s are done! and play testing Night 4, oh boy, things will get fast & stressful, right now Im trying to make night 4 more fair as its a bit well.... fast paced