Message me on Discord (greenjerrymouse) if you want to help me.
If I don't get someone else to be the compose for the missing music, this game will never release.
Bad news: @Dperk has confirmed he's no longer going to work on music for this game, because he's too busy with life and felt like he was rushing to finish them.
I now need someone else to compose the missing music (All-Out Mode and cutscenes).
Message me on Discord (greenjerrymouse) if you want to help me.
If I don't get someone else to be the compose for the missing music, this game will never release.
Mummy Wario Man's renders (and AI) are now finished.
Finished phone calls and subtitles for Nights 1-5 and the Final Night.
Super Sonic watching Sonic 2: The Movie.
The art for all achievements are now finished.
Happy 10th Anniversary of TRTF2!
After releasing SMW: The 4 Magic Wands, I've started working on another SMW ROM hack - Super Mario World: Adventure in Forest Land
SMWC thread for the hack: (More screenshots are available there)
@Dperk has confirmed he's no longer going to work on the All-Out theme, so @SteekGames
is going to work on it instead.
Rat Race Production Update
I've added one more achievement.
I ended up making a new cutscene for beating All-Out mode, and the old one I originally made for beating it has been repurposed as a secret cutscene instead.