2 years ago
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this was a scrappd charactr bcuas my and buttons ar brokn, h was suppos to hav s with tails in act 7.6
teaser trailer
unused cutscene, i forgor y we didnt use it
practice anim with toot the boot himself audio by @SisterBee
i lov this littl astr gg for th movi, tt "apply" to th phon numbr in th postr, also my kyboard is brokn
Practice anim + modeling (I rushed the modeling part)
Don't know the context of the video so don't bite at me if you don't like it lol
"You zought we were gone, no, we were just waiting"
I stole your tree
@Dungeonation toot tge poot 2 coming soon????
I am now going to ruin ur day