Jax Justun & Jax Marble and Their Misadventures at Middle School in: Rise of the Parody Characters of Jax Justun Studios

4 months ago

Banner Poster Shrine of JJS #7 (For Episode Nine Parts 1, 2, & 3 Only!!) - Created on: September 4th, 2024 Oh boy!!!! After a month later, it's finally been created!!! Been saying all of that like way too many times already!!!!!!

Anyways folks, first of all, sorry about doing these long time gaps between these designing processes of these things!!!! It's not really because of me getting ready for college and everything, it's just because I was just of course, busy with work and everything!!!! Secondly, I nearly slept like during the entire morning today, so sorry if this one's kind of late like the others are and everything!!!! Thirdly, after a month of waiting so positively patiently and everything, the official #7thBannerPosterShrineOfJJS has finally been made for all three official parts for Episode Nine for "Jax Justun & Jax Marble and Their Misadventures at Middle School in: Rise of the Parody Characters of Jax Justun Studios"!!!!!

The official future mascot parody horror game that started it all!!!!! The moments where the official parody characters and parody cameo characters of Jax Justun Studios were first discovered first time ever!!!!! And I got to say this folks, but this one must be the best one yet that I'd made so far!!!! Not because of the amount of new parody characters and parody cameo characters that were added into the mix of things, but mostly because it's actually based on some kind of storytelling I think????? Not too sure about that, but alrighty then!!!! Speaking of added in some more parodies and such, you may had also seen that the #3rdSeries of both parody characters and parody cameo characters of Jax Justun Studios were officially added in this version of this banner poster shrine here!!!!

Well, almost all of them, because I don't want this version here to get all crowded in and whatnot!!!! And what's even that growing inside of the right and left sides in this banner poster shrine???? Well, time to find out later on I guess!!!! Thanks for all of your beloved patients and everything people!!!!! I can't wait to create some more of these things!!!! Anyways, be safe, be careful what you all wish for, and have a wonderful and relaxing day!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!! #WelcomeToJaxJustunStudios!!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!!! #ParodiesMustBeRespectAllTimes!!!!!!!!! #DontTakeThisAwayFromMeUs!!!!!!!!!!!!

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JJS Parody Bio Poster #7 (For Mr. Eyesaur) - Created on: October 23rd, 2024 It's now been a month since the last/previous and official #JJSparodyBioPoster was created!!! Nearly over a month ago here in 2024!!!

Snakehead Family Member #1 - Mr. Snakehead (Created on: December 25th, 2024 "Christmas Day of 2024") You all have/had no idea how long I wanted to create and show off this official parody character for a very long time now!!!!!

Banner Poster Shrine of JJS #8 (For Episodes Ten & Eleven Only!!) - Created on: October 29th, 2024 There's only two more days until Halloween of 2024 starts people!!! It's now the #29thDay of good old #OctoberOf2024!!!!

FredTime+ Christmas Teaser!

2018 Parody Character #5 - Mr. Lazynose (Mr. Lazyhose) (Created on: January 8th, 2024) We've been searching all parody worldwide for some more parody mascot-ed fun here!!!

Our 2024 Advent Calendar has opened! Day 24: @NickPerson is a great Creator who makes Five Nights at Freddy's fan games! Accept the quest and give them a follow to get Coins and a seasonal sticker!

2018 Parody Character #4 - Gridget (Created on: January 5th, 2024) Within these parody walls of Jax Justun Studios lies a parody-like piggy that could kiss you whole while nothing's happening here!!!! Okay, sounds weird, but hear me out ok???

The Official #210thYear Logo for Jax Justun Studios - (Created on: Dec. 28th, 2024) After months of delays on end, Minecraftia Studios have finally created the most ambitious parody project ever here!!!! And it was very crazy to make here!!!!!!!

Intro Commercial

Jax Justun Studios Video #48 - (Created on: Dec. 25th, 2024 "Christmas Day of 2024") Today is/was Christmas everybody!!!!! And we here at NarchGraites Picutures have created the official #48thJJSVideo for our pals from Jax Justun Studios!!!!!!