Fighter of Eve
5 years ago

Battle Screen, Tutorial and Gameplay Information

Hello everyone,

Havn't done this style of Devlog in a while, huh. Anyways, I have been cooking up some stuff in March. But before I start with that, I want to explain something I think I haven't yet. I'm always working on FIgher of Eve every other month. The other months I'm working forest.end, a game by the studio @ShatteredDevs which I am a part of. I'm telling you all this so that you don't think that I'm not working on the game.

Let's start with the first addition:

Battle Screen

The Battle Screen is one of the most important things in this game. The game has had a battle engine for a long time now, but I never really liked it. It wasn't round-based, buggy and unbalanced as hell.

Here's a quick look the new battle screen. Note that the enemy design is obviously still WIP. Things like UI might change over time.


As you can see the enemy sprite and fighter sprite are still place-holders.

I've really worked a lot on the engine behind this battle screen and I hope you will like it once the demo comes out.


This really isn't anything big. It's just a basic tutorial telling you how to play the game.


When you start a new game, you can choose if you want to do the tutorial, or not. The tutorial tells you how to move, interact with objects, navigate the menus and battle basics.

The prompt that asks you only appears on the start of the game.

Gameplay Information

So this is probably the most important thing. I came up with a way to make the game a little longer and less linear. Basically, to go to the next area of the game, you will have to have defeated every enemy in the area you are in right now. The game won't let you go to the next area until every enemy in the current area is killed.

Before this feature was a thing in the game, you could go from one area to the other by simply buying an item or just walking into the next area. This isn't good design at all in my opinion.

I want to hear your opinion, though. Do you think this is a good features, or not? Do you have any suggestions for this features or the game in generel? Let me know in the comments!


I know the game has been in development for a very long time now, and I only have myself and my laziness to thank for that. Seeing new people following this game almost every day makes me really happy and I really appreciate it! Thanks to every single one of you!




Next up

Fighter of Eve recently got its first demo release!

In FoE, you play as an unknown hero, defeating enemies and helping the people, whilst trying to figure out where all the creatures come from.

Go ahead and give it a try:

Quick Update: I've been working on some new backgrounds for the Battle Frame! In other news, I am now at a point where there are no new features that need to be added to the demo. There's still a lot of bug fixing and improving to do though. Stay tuned!

Tutorials... 🙄😒

I have been working on an Album! Listen to it now!…

Still alive. Working on the battle engine. WIP

New Fighter Sprite. Thoughts?

I am current working on a Patch for Fighter of Eve which will introduce Widescreen Support (1280x768 resolution), and hopefully some big fixes. More info soon! #gamedev #fighterofeve #wip

The Demo is Finished | Release Date!