5 months ago

beat @Mr_Malos' new slendytubbies 1 mod, this was an okay mod but i wish more stuff got changed (example ambience)
also i think im the first person to beat it



Next up

forgot to give updates as a lot has happened today so i've been quite busy, but i've completed bendy ch3 and 4, heres some screenshots i took

nothing wrong with this st3 theater image in the outskirts

happy 10th anniversary fnaf 3, i don't really have anything else to show so have this drawing (it's not finished yet, also yes it is related to fnaf 3 cause it's springbonnie,,,)

im officially 16!

i FINALLY got bendy after years of me wanting to play it, if you didn't know yes i am quite a bendy fan im EXCITED

did chapter 2 aswell, my laptop was BURNING near the end but here's some cool screenshots i took of ink demon

@Peripherals has FINALLY released the new (and actually good!) version of Darkest Nights at Fazbear's, please go support and play the game as it has been in development for quite a long time!

Made special art just for the release!


i just beat chapter 5 of bendy, i REALLY enjoyed the game even if it there were a couple fetch quests here n there (cough cough chapter 3) but other than that it was very fun, mini-review in article (also i'll try my best to 100%, currently at 49%)

i accidentally found these 3 year old drawings of mine (only REAL ones will remember these, geniunely)

screenshots i took while playing chapter 1, i clicked select chapter instead of new game on accident so my progress didn't save after i beat ch1, but its fine i can do it again since i missed the bacon soup achievement