
4 years ago

BEBRA and me, SOL1IV2AL.



Next up

New Big Update! (read below)

all my art during this time, namely from the seventh of March to March 13 for two weeks.

On English / На английском:

In this post, you can learn about new updates to our game Dalbas. Added a new Persian - P-Extinguisher. * (illegal vocabulary), and emoji for hare P - (illegal vocabulary )


Story on English / По Английски:

this remaster model H (illegal vocabulary ) of the nose. Now I will make skins for it.

Story on Russia / По Русски:

это ремастер модель Ч (нелегальная лексика ) носа. Сейчас я сделаю на него скины.

I am beak.

Five night at Bunny Qor update:

It's Morgenstern's birthday today (У Моргенштера сегодня день рождения)

Story on english / Story in English. Here you can see all the skins on Chris ' hand so far. I made these skins last night.


Read below about the new update for the game Dalbas: