Name: Radiation Bee
Type: Mythic Or Event
Color: Colorless
Description:" This Bee As A Basic Bee Ate WAY To Many Neonberries Like An Unhealthy Amount, Luckily It Survived... Somehow. "
Favorite Food: Neonberries
Collects 25 Pollen In 4 Seconds
Makes 40 Honey in 4 seconds
Energy: 25
Speed: 9.5
[Radiation Buckets]: Buckets Will Spawn In The Field You’re In And Pour Radiation On Spots On The Field, Which Will Automatically Collect Pollen.
[Gifted Ability: Radiation Shot]: Radiation Bee Will Shoot A Mob With A Radiation Bullet. It Won’t Do That Much Damage BUT It Will Infect The Mob With A Poison Effect That Will Do 20 Damage Every Half A Second That Last For 7 Seconds.
[Gifted Hive Bonus]: 2x Critical Chance 2x Boost From Anything Radiation.